Your Service Providers:

“Magandang araw po, handa kaming maglingkod!”


Imelda S. Requiro Edna A. Isidro Chemarie Muli
SAA II (OMM) ICO-MTO Bookbinder II
Jose S. Santos Lolita Dimaano Chit Pangilinan
Mayor CO III Licensing Officer I
Schedule of Availability
of Service:
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 12:00 noon
1:00 pm—5:00 pm


Maximum Time to
Avail this Service:

30 minutes


Who May Avail of the Service:
Any of the following who intends to engage in business activity within the territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Orion:

-Sole Proprietor




Requirement (s):

-Application Form
-Community Tax Certificate
-Barangay Clearance.
-DTI Business Name Registration
-Zoning/Locational Clearance (for NEW only)
-Sanitary & Health Certificate
-Fire Safety Clearance
-Building Permit/Occupancy Permit
-SSS /BIR Certificate of Tax payment


Step by Step Process of Applying/Renewing a Business Permit
Step-by-step guide
Service Provider’s




Fee Form
Name Task
1. Secure application form at the Mayor’s
Imelda Requiro Issue application form and
list all the documents required
1 minute —— Business
Permit Application Form
2. Fill-up and submit application form along with all the requirements Imelda Requiro Assess, evaluate and verify the correctness of capital investment/gross sales receipts declared by the applicant and the completeness of the requirements 10 minutes —— ———
3. Submit duly filled-up BPAF with the requirements to MTO (Licensing Section Chit Pangilinan Assess and determine the taxes, fees and charges based on the assessment and evaluation. 5 minutes —— ———
4. Present duly assessed valuated, verified BPAF with attached requirements Edna A. Isidro Review and approve assessment and affixes her signature on the application 2 minutes —— ———

5. Pay Business Taxes, fees and other charges such as registration plate/sticker.

Simultaneously, apply for issuance of CTC by filling up request slip



Chit Pangilinan

Chemarie Muli

Mayor Jose S. Santos.

Issue official receipt for payment of taxes, fees and other charges and the CTC; Issue the registration plate

Issue CTC and accept corresponding payment

Issue registration plate and sticker and receive BPAF together with all requirements and the OR for processing and,


Approval of Mayor’s Permit (MP)

3 minutes

2 minutes

1 day

2 minutes

Fee will be based on the Revised Revenue Code







6. Get BP & MP Lolita Dimaano Record and release BP & MP

1 minute —— ———