As an instructor who has observed the rise of technology in the classroom, it is impossible to overlook the significant impact smartphones and gadgets have had on the conduct of today’s youth. The shift in parenting techniques and the growing use of these digital devices have given rise to a new generation that is frequently viewed as disrespectful and unpleasant in the classroom.

Throughout my years of teaching, I’ve noticed a huge shift in how students connect with their peers and professors. Because cellphones are so popular, students are continuously linked to the digital world, often at the price of face-to-face conversation and fundamental social manners. To a considerable measure, the blame for this transition rests with parents and their parenting practices.

The permissive parenting style is one common parenting style that contributes to this problem. Many parents, possibly inadvertently, have taken a hands-off approach to their children’s smartphone use. Unrestricted access to these gadgets can lead to a lack of limits and discipline, creating an environment in which youth feel entitled to engage in disrespectful behavior. 

Another parenting style that increases the problem is helicopter parenting. While these parents may be too interested in their children’s life, they frequently struggle to put proper restrictions on screen time and device usage. This lack of structure might contribute to the development of poor communication skills, as youth may favor virtual interactions over real-world relationships.

On the other hand, authoritative parenting, which combines warmth and support with firm boundaries, has been found to be useful in reducing the harmful effects of cellphones on adolescent behavior. Parents that establish regular limits for screen time, monitor online activity, and encourage open communication foster an environment of respect and responsibility in their children.

Educators have the problem of handling this digital world in the classroom. Students who are addicted to their computers may show apathy, disobedience, or even outright disrespect. Parents must realize their role in shaping their children’s behavior and take proactive measures to build a good connection with technology.

To solve this issue, parents can begin by creating clear limits for smartphone usage and seriously enforcing them. Encourage open conversation about the risks and benefits of technology to help kids build a responsible and balanced approach to screen time. Furthermore, parents should model the conduct they want children see, emphasizing the value of face-to-face contact and respectful communication.

As educators, we recognize the value of technology in boosting learning experiences. However, it is equally crucial to address the negative effects of excessive screen usage on interpersonal skills and classroom behavior. Parents may play a critical role in developing a generation of kids who are not just tech-savvy but also courteous and sensitive in their dealings with others by adopting authoritative parenting approaches and advocating responsible technology use.

Shyrl Ann Y. Laxamana|Teacher I|Bataan National High School - JHS|Balanga,Bataan
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