Teachers are facilitators of learning but they are also one of the factors that affect the quality of education:

Aside from the latest innovations and practices. Schimmels suggested ten ways on how to become an effective professional teacher. They are as follows:

 Good teachers read and hand back homework.

-Homework reinforces the things learned by the pupils inside the classroom.

But when a teacher gives assignment he/she should check it the following day to correct their mistakes and to inculcate in them the importance of assignment.

  1. Good teachers give worthwhile assignment- Do not give assignment for the sake giving it but give it to add skills and knowledge to pupils.
  2. Good teachers stay in the classroom- If children always have eraser fights, classroom chaos and the like it is because the teacher always leaves his/her pupils inside the classroom alone.
  3. Good teachers decorate their room – Physical appearance of the classroom is part of instructional process.
  4. Good teachers are organized- poor preparation is the cause of many classroom problems.
  5. Good teachers communicate with parents – PTCA Meetings should be held at least once a month to report pupil progress or problems. Home visits must also be done once in a while.
  6. Good teachers do not lose control of themselves – Teachers cannot respond to misbehavior with anger, maliciousness or violence. The teacher must control the situation but he has no right to ridicule, strike an anger or abuse a student.
  7. Good teachers do not lose control of classroom – Not all silent classes are under control and not all noisy ones are out of control. A teacher is in control when the students are responding to her directions and objectives for the class.
  8. Good teachers give students a sense that material is important – Giving motivations to the class must also connect the lesson to the child’s everyday life.

Good teachers do not abuse their right to academic freedom – By the law, teachers do not have the right to offend a child and cannot use the classroom as showcase of their personal beliefs, values and lifestyle.

By: Ms. Antonia M. De Vega | Master Teacher I | Parang Elementary School, Bagac, Bataan

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