During the past few years, people using internet have increased dramatically. This trend continues in the present times due to the many benefits given by this wonderful technology.
The internet provides a very helpful tool in the field of communication in a matter of seconds. With the use of email sites, one does not wait for a long period of time to have his message delivered. Moreover, the use of chat rooms and video conferencing has allowed people to chat in real time, irrespective of the location of the parties involved. This is probably the one widely used in our country where most of the families have relatives working abroad. This type of communication keeps families bonded in spite of being apart of the family members.
The field of education has also been greatly benefited by the proliferation of the internet. Search engines and websites dedicated to different subjects become extremely useful for the students. Through the internet, they would not have to spend much time searching in a pile of books the information they need for their assignments, reports and projects. A few clicks on the mouse would give them their desired data. With the wealth of information provided by the internet, the students could increase their stock of knowledge without wasting so much time. Internet has also opened a new way of imparting education – that is, online education. With this, a student could be taught of different lessons without having the need of personal interactions with the teacher. Many schools from different parts of the world have adopted this type of teaching and it have been proven to be effective tool for educating others.
The use of internet becomes advantageous, as well, in the field of business. Business transactions have been made easier and faster with internet. Buying and selling of goods, payment of bills and collection of accounts could now be done within a matter of few seconds. Similarly, posting advertisements on different websites has allowed businesses to expand their markets.
The internet has become undeniably very beneficial to everyone of us. Thus, we must be very grateful for the wonderful technology and avoid using it to take advantage of others.