Being a Teacher is very easy but being an Effective and Efficient one is not an easy tasks from the saying “Hindi parang kanin na pagkatapos isubo at mapaso ay iluluwa” is true. The life of your pupils lies in the hands of the teacher on how he will going to mold his students.

  Like in an orchestra you serve as a conductor, your member will not orchestrates beautiful music, if you do not conduct carefully. In a said navigation; you act as the Captain wherein it will sank if you do not carefully command about the safeties’ direction. It is like the Chief Executive Officer in a business wherein he manages and led at the same time. He is the one who provides visionary knowledge that will bring the life of your student where it would like to be now and in the future depends on you and it is better for a teacher to be a jack of all trades.

  In short, Teacher needs to have the required competent skills and qualities to mold his students to their desired vision and help him be ready to face the challenging World.

By: MS. ELOISA L. LOPEZ | Teacher III | Abucay North Elementary School, Abucay, Bataan

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