As we traverse the rocky road to success, we encounter voluminous, happy, sad and painful experiences. At times, we even stumble and cry. We are confused as to which path to follow to bring us to reality. We simple could not accept the defeat. Hence, we start to blame other people for the misfortune we suffer and worse, even God is part to blame. “Why me, Lord?”’ is the language pattern one usually utters when confronted with confusion and heavy loads. Why not pour out the problems to those who have not been good to their fellowmen?
After moving forward, we realize that sometimes it takes a painful experience to make one change his ways. True enough, we will be striking all over again with a bright new beginning in the stage of our life. All of us have to establish our own identity with our own courageous way using the style that fits our personality. Nobody knows what we would be. Remember we are shaping our own destiny. We should use the learning we have gained in and out of our home, the school premises, and in the community as a whole. Let this learning be our weapon in meeting the ups and downs of life, and let it not stop come what may until finally we reach our goal.
On our way to success, these are times when we become frustrated and even directionless. This is the time we need someone to lead us to the right direction. God is always there to accompany us along the way. He will never forsake man in the midst of his journey. It is the strong faith in the Divine Providence that guides man in any dilemma and puts forth what is best for him.
The destiny of man depends upon how high his perception is in life. He has to invest knowledge in his giant broadcasting station because his future lies in it and how much he has toiled on it.
Aiming high is a test of one’s ability to survive despite the obstacles one has to overcome. It is the test of conviction that “one will endure every how if one has a why.”
Aim high Bonifacians!
By: MRS. ELIZABETH P. DUMALAG | Teacher I | Bonifacio Camacho National High School, Abucay, Bataan