1. In order to help slow readers, older or more advanced students (called reading buddies) tutors-younger or slower readers. Teachers arrange the pairing of better readers with slow readers. Reading buddies come from other sections or other year levels.
2. In order to develop the listening skills of students, teachers read books aloud in their classrooms frequently.
3. Reading skills are enhanced with daily practice. Students spend ten minutes every class day silently reading a book. Teachers read also during the same period.
4. To develop genuine love for reading among students and for them to enjoy reading experiences, teachers start the English lesson by reading aloud to the class a selected story. Teachers model ways of reading and direct students’ attention to features of the text. Dimensional questions are asked to develop comprehension skills of students.
5. In order to enhance creativity and command of language, each student from First to Fourth Year write at least one sentence during the last five minutes of every period. The teacher dictates the topics for the sentence or sentences.
By: Mrs. Jane Rose Y. Tolentino | TI-Pablo Roman National High School | Pilar, Bataan