A number of factors were considered to the low performance of some schools in our country-increasing enrolment, decreasing budgets, shortage of teachers and classroom size.
Beside the belief that smaller schools provide children and youth with a better education, there is also a belief that smaller classes are better than larger classes. Some schools have about 30 to 35 students while some schools have 40 to 65 students. An investigation revealed that as class size increases, achievement rate decreases. Researches also found out that the greatest gains in achievement occurred among students who were taught in classes of 25 of fewer students. In classes of 30 to 40 students, class size had a less dramatic influence on students achievement.
Unfortunately, to maximize each child’s learning potential, classes must be so small that few schools can afford to staff and house them. Although a class size of 25 or fewer students is not feasible, one alternative is to allocate a larger portion of resources to the grade levels or subjects that seem most critical.
By: JOSE LORETO G. RAMOS, Camachile Elem School