Various problems in teaching has resulted in the teachers’ work becoming incomparably more complex, challenging and important than ever. The article of Bienvinido F. Nebres,S.J is very timely, since teachers have the right to undergo professional education and training that will sharpen their skills and enable them to grow in their ability in today’s students’ generation, parents and community involvement and school head and co- teachers interpersonal relations.
We must admit that in the past few years, there had been so many teachers’ training programs, but concerned persons find that these are not sufficient, and at times of little or no use.
One accurate observation is coming from Jo Blaise of the University of Georgia who said that. One of the obvious symptom of the estrangement of teachers’ braining program from daily work of education is the chronic overload brought about by extraneous work teachers’ suffer, often an overload in part by questionable training programs. The difficulty can be summed up as a contradiction between the ideal training programs from a prestigious center of excellence and the everyday experience , a sad contradiction for many teachers in many schools.
Article III. Sec. 22 R.A #7836 otherwise known as Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act is the basis of formation of National Organization of Professional Teachers, Inc. ( NOPTI ) This is an organization wherein, one of the objectives is to uphold and enhance the dignity and prestige of the teaching profession and to pursue with constancy and determination the mission and goals of the Philippine educational system as provided for by the Philippine Constitution. This objective if properly carried out by the NOPTI will surely professionalized teacher education that will lead in the continuing professionalization of teachers and educators services as a direct contribution to national development, and for this, teachers will truly be addressed as professionals.
Summing it up, if the dream of Bienvinido F. Nebres S.J of the development of a teachers’center of excellence that will eliminate the danger of the pointless programs and involve teachers in meaningful and productive professional growth will be realized, surely teaching- learning process will be a success.
By: Myrna Barrioquinto | Master Teacher I | Mariveles National High School | Cabcaben, Bataan