I salute the Department of Education for continuously studying the ills of the educational system. The reasons why our country still has a low quality education. Many factors are to be considered (1) too big sizes of classes in primary grades (2) lack of teachers (3) lack of classrooms (4) lack of textbooks, to summarized lack of funds to support this problem. One of the most important reason why we suffer from this system is the low funds of the government. Quality basic education is the the foundation to have a good quality high school students and well prepared college students. Bright students as ‘ center of excellence” should have knowledgeable deserving teachers to cope with their needs when it comes to learning. And all of these, needs enough funds for further implementation of the program.
More years added to basic education and secondary education still need funds to support the program. For now, we should treat first the ills of the educational system. For I believe that we as citizens of the country should be a part of these changes, not only the government but we Filipinos we should have extreme love for our country and our fellowmen. Love of the country may lead to prosperity….love of God and our fellowmen may lead to abundance for we will not only think of ourselves but doing things that may uplift not only the quality of education but the quality of life of the Filipinos. I challenge everyone if you’re looking forward to quality education, start to love others and most of all love our country… the basic solution to the problem is to change, to be a better Filipino.
By: Jannette C. Angeles, Teacher III Orion Elementary School