Orion, Bataan. – An unwavering political leadership support, an effective and efficient project management team, complemented with competent personnel plus a project that heed to the call of the present time equals improved governance.
Those are the elements that keeps Orion on the right track of achieving the very essence of the E-Governance for Municipal Development, a project under the partnership initiative of the LMP,CESO and the CICT-NCC.
While full computerization of the LGU system is among the development thrust of the present local administration, it is through the formulation of the Information System Strategic Plan (ISSP) that the roadmap for ICT investment has been drawn. The ISSP of Orion was able to integrate ICT initiatives in pursuit the total computerization of the LGU. Key areas for development have been identified which include the RPT system, business permit and licensing, community-based monitoring database, as well as the needed capacity development for municipal personnel, to name a few.
In November 2007 with the guidance of Carmen Gagnon, CESO Volunteer, ISSP plan has been draft and eBPLS database build-up has been undertaken and to date all business application is 100% encoded.
In January 2008, the eBPLS was parallel tested. Now, it is actually being used to serve our business clientele. In the first quarter alone, with use the eBPLS it has resulted to an increase of at least 18% in revenue from business permit, It is expected to increase by at least 40% by the year end, with the task force now on field work to check those who have not yet complied for necessary business permit. With the use of eBPLS all fees mandated in the tax code are now being implemented accordingly, thus an increase in collection.
With the eBPLS, permit application processing time is shorter, thus it is expected that our initiative in streamlining program in the issuance of mayor’s permit, which was awarded among the best in Region III, will be further improved.
By: EnP Andy Avorque