Since time immemorial, lectures have played a large part in the education of most students. I personally have grown up in education system that is centered on lecturing. A classroom that is without a lecture is almost unimaginable.
Like many other students, I have been in enough lectures to know that a great number of teachers whose lecture skills are seriously wanting. And perhaps like most students, I looked upon lectures as ordeals that I had to go through in order to finish my studies. Of course there were some teachers who piqued my interest in their subjects due to their abilities, but sadly they are the exception in the public school rather than the rule.
Anyway, lectures were of little concern to me until I became a teacher. Suddenly it was i who was being scrutinized by 60 pairs of eyes as I enter the classroom. It was then and there that the art of lecturing suddenly became a matter of importance to me.
Although many studies focus on the alternative ways of helping students learn, the art of lecturing remains as one of the teacher’s most potent weapons and thus must be included in his or her repertoire. Whether lectures are important in a classroom is never the question, it is how a teacher can deliver an effective lecture.
In my experience as a student, when a teacher lacks the enthusiasm in the topic he is teaching, as shown by no inflection in his voice, gives the impression that the topic is not worth listening to.Aside from the lecturer’s monotone, there is also the question of injecting a little humor. This is where most lecturers lose their audience. Serious topics, worthy of the time needed to listen, could be somehow lightened by a little humor.
In most Mathematics and Science subjects, the most important part of the lesson is the integration of the various parts into the whole. If by being so serious, I get them hooked in the parts only to lose them in the integration; my whole purpose would have been defeated. If instead I cracked some joke while we are in between parts and was successful in engaging them again, then I would have greater chances of having their attention when things really get difficult. Remember the mood of the students sometimes determine how well they understand things, and if by including some jokes would lighten them up, it would be to my advantage as a lecturer.
As a lecturer, teachers should remember these factors; loudness of the voice, the enunciation of the speaker, his enthusiasm and even his gestures. As an analogy, the success of a lecture is not much different from a product that is to be sold in the market. If our lectures are to be bought, we should put the costumer’s that is our learners’ wants and needs first. Otherwise they will ignore our products. They will ignore our lectures
By: Ms. Salvacion F. Dagdag | Teacher III- Mariveles National High School- Cabcaben