It is a threatening phenomenon that some of the country’s teachers are being pirated to mentor foreign youth because the remuneration of teachers either in private or public schools, is far below the monthly wages of domestic helpers in Hongkong. Material incentives, too, are scarce and unattractive. The waning commitment of some teachers to serve and guide the youth is a sad picture in our educational system. We cannot condemn, however, those who fly abroad to serve foreign children.
Thank God, the number of teachers who go abroad are only fragments of the majority who remain true and loyal to their God-given challenge to serve the youth of the Motherland.
The roles and functions of teachers have been enumerated in our Philipppine Constitution.
• They inculcate patriotism and nationalism. They are expressed in the languages spoken, anthem sung, dresses worn, food eaten, traditions celebrated, and customs practiced.
• They foster love for humanity. Teachers share with parents the responsibility of deep inculcating in the minds of the youth the value of accepting people and understanding different personalities.
• They foster respect for human rights. A mentor who fails to teach this virtue falls short of his personal accountability to his profession.
• They teach the rights and duties of citizenship including paying taxes and participating in the election process.
• They strengthen ethical and spiritual values. The mentor maintains the balance between doing the right thing at the right time with the right motive.
• They develop moral character and personal discipline. Mentors promote the importance of maintaining high standards of morality.
• They broaden scientific and technological knowledge. Mentors must be aware of the adverse effect of technology to human relationship and personal values.
Strive to be dynamic!
By: Ms. Rowena B. Marcelo | Master Teacher I | Capitangan Elementary School