Grade One is said to be the foundation of learning. Grade One teachers must be effective not only in developing the skills of each learner but also in training their values and attitudes. It is hoped that for Grade One teachers to be effective and efficient, they must have natural and innate love for small children, emotionally mature, very patient in dealing with their pupils, understand the need of every learner, resourceful and innovative and they must be good singers, dancers and actress too.

They also need to be creative in preparing devices in all learning areas. Pictures must be clear, colourful and interesting  enough to attract the attention of pupils. They must also be diagnostic in teaching their subject matter so they would analyze if the teaching strategies used in each lessons were effective or not.

School administrators should make careful observation in assigning teachers in Grade One because failing to do so will result to unsatisfactory performance of teachers.

Teaching Grade One pupils is a great challenge. so if ever given the chance to teach them, be proud, as you were chosen to be effective in that field.

By: Ms. Shirley M. Reyes | Teacher I | Abucay North Elementary School

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