Teaching is undoubtedly one of the most stressful professions in the world. The times may have changed drastically, especially in the last decade, but the task of a teacher remained basically the same: to transfer knowledge to students and guide them in understanding and utilizing the same. Sublime as it may seem, but underlying that profound responsibility are pressures that may drain even the most steadfast of teachers. It is but only worthy then to give due notice and appreciation to the gallant battle of each and every teacher who fights day-in and day-out to overcome the Mentor’s Kryptonite called Stress.

Stress in the realm of academic institutions is caused by a lot of factors. These includes, among others, long work hours, excessive workloads, large class size, poor management, unruly students, and the never-satisfied expectation of the public for teachers to perform better. Dealing with these things maybe daunting but there are techniques and strategies a teacher may employ to relieved stress. A fool-proof approach to managing stress is to maintain a good health habit. Staying healthy helps keep the stress level at the minimum and allows the teacher to cope with worries, anxieties and fatigue due to heavy workload and long hours of teaching.

Another way to handle stress is to always be inspired and reminded of the noble and inimitable worth of the teaching profession. Keeping on the table a simple card or sticker or apple given by a student may seem simple enough but the appreciation enclosed in those things is immeasurable. It reminds the teacher of what he is working for. Another thing to keep on the table are photos of past students and family and friends to make the teacher feel surrounded by love from people he values most.

Reciting mantras or mottos and reading inspirational quotes in the morning helps the teacher face a new day at work more focused and confident. One may be surprise that the saying “When the going gets tough, get going” goes a long way in helping a teacher overcome the fears, anxieties or worries he may have. A simple five-minute meditation in between breaks also helps the teacher keep calm and in control of his emotions especially in times when his limit is being tested. Music also helps the teacher organized his emotion and keeps the stress at bay.

Another way to reduced stress is to be organized. This will greatly help the teacher beat deadlines and have more control of time. Talking and asking another teacher for advice is also helpful as it gives the teacher motivation and guidance in dealing with strenuous and challenging situations. Laughter is also a good way to break away from stress. Laughing with students or sharing a joke with a co-teacher keeps the mood in the workplace light.

Most importantly, no matter how bad a teacher’s day may be, one only has to remember that there’s always tomorrow to bounce back and do better and be better. Looking forward to a fresh start is a very effective way of letting go of today’s stress and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges. Whatever the stress situations may be, the foregoing techniques will greatly help the teacher manage and overcome the Kryptonite that comes with their noble vocation.

By: Mrs. Elena H. Fabian | Tapulao Elementary School | Orani, Bataan

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