Discipline is an important aspect in teaching learning situation in order to achieve better educational outcomes. Here are the tips for the teachers on how to encourage pupils to behave inside the classroom.

1.    Act as if you expect students to be orderly from the first day on.
2.    Expect everyone’s attention before you start teaching. Stop when there is noise. Don’t teach over individual or group chatter.
3.    Don’t talk too much. After a while, you lose the student’s attention. Involve the students in activities, ask questions, pose problem etc.
4.    Hold students accountable for abiding by rules.
5.    Be businesslike but friendly. It is important to smile, to have a sense of humor, and to be warm and supportive.
6.    Maintain your dignity. Students should know there are limitations in a teacher-student relationship. You may wish to establish an imaginary line or keep a psychological distance from your students.
7.    Treat minor disturbances calmly. Small incidents can be ignored verbally; a stern look or gesture will suffice. Know when to pass over a situation quickly without a fuss.
8.    Don’t wait until a class is out of control. When the students are restless, change the activity. When students are beginning to engage in disturbances, take measures to stop the behavior in the initial stages.
9.    Communicate with parents on a regular basis to learn about their management philosophies for purposes of support and follow up in the class.
10.    Document carefully all serious student behavior problems.

By: Elisa O. Violeta | Teacher III | Tomas Pinpin Memorial Elementary School | Abucay, Bataan

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