The teachers play a vital role in the teaching – learning – process. To be able to achieve his goals he must be prepared to execute effeciently the lessons he understake everyday. Mastery of the essential strategies is the first step towards effective teaching. What pupils learn depends upon what the teacher has them do.
This requires the ability to provide classroom experiences, tested and proven, that can be utilized to promote learning. Thus, the second step in teacher preparation is to acquire a fund of experiences not only for general instruction, but also to stimulate interest and meet the pupil’s special and individual needs.
Providing effective experience through which pupils learn to rate maximum of their ability depends to a large extend on how the teacher executes his lesson.
Effective and productive execution of lessons can be undertaken through managing the classroom effeciently and with minimum disruption, recognizing and solving pupils. Learning difficulties, elicit active participation for pupils. Adapt the pace and direction of instruction to the group you teaching, provide an atmosphere where mistakes are accepted as a part of learning and where pupils feel free to ask question when they do not understand a concept motivate pupils to want to learn. Develop in pupils positive attitude towards learning, select and use strategic appropriate for given behavioral objectives and concepts.
No two teachers ever execute a lesson in exactly the same way. Each individual personality, experience and teaching not only how the chooses to present concepts, but how to reacts to individuals and the class as the instructional proceeds. Although each teacher executes a lesson uniquely, there are elements of community to teacher to teacher.
By: MS. VIVIAN S. PIZARRO | Orion Elementary School, Orion, Bataan