Image Activities are essential element in Scouting. Activities are accomplished through the “learning -by –doing method”.
        The word SCOUTING when divided into two parts will show how much in the program of Scouting is out-of-doors.
        To recognize the importance of activities in scouting, our school conducted a Joint BSP-GSP Backyard Encampment last November 27-28, 2009.

        The activities undertaken on the first day were: Camp Setting, Opening Program, Bases which includes a.) Scout Oath and Law  b.) First Aid  c.) Arts and Crafts d.) Songs and Yells and e.) Grand Campfire.

Image While on the second day the activities were; Sunrise Parade for the boy scouts & Scouts’ Own for the Girl scouts, Scout Ideals, Flag Code and Tree Planting.

        The conduct of our backyard encampment would not be a successful one without the help of the parents who worked closely with us from the camp setting till the dismantling of the camp. The officers of the General PTA assisted the scouts during their Tree Planting activity.
Image The scouts though tired and exhausted went home happy bringing with them the memorable and fun filled activities they experienced during the encampment.

By: Sarah Bernadette F. Seeckts T-II – PABLO ROMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

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