Who wouldn’t love to munch or nibble crunchy chips….everybody does. From the word itself “junk” means waste thus this is true junk food are not nutritious.
Today, less than forty percent of the country’s population suffered from malnutrition mostly children and one reason of this problem is due to lack of proper nutrient intake. Though the Department of Education addresses the problems of malnutrition through different health programs such as School Feeding Program, Food for the School Program (FSP) and others still the cases of malnourished children is increasing. And one of the culprits of increasing numbers of malnourished children is eating junk foods.
Eating such foodstuff doesn’t provide our growth and development. It make us weak. It causes tooth decay because there’s so much glucose in it. Even the Dep Ed prohibits selling those junk of food in every school canteen, still these junk foods are best sellers to school children. It is very frustrating to see that eating junk foods is like an “addiction” to most children although these foods post great danger to their health.
But we can still protect children from eating those junk foods. Through strict implementation of “no junk foods” policy in school. Instead provide our pupils with nutritious snacks which will help the school children to become healthy. It is better to start removing those junk foods in canteen and we are calling the attention of the school canteen manager to follow conscientiously the said policy. So next time somebody asks junk foods for everybody………………just say “No thank you.”
By: Mrs. Sharon T. Guanzon | MT-I | Tomas PinPin Memorial Elem. School | Abucay Bataan