I would like to dedicate this short article to classroom teacher, school heads and other school staff and personnel to read this article, part of it quoted from Willie Huffsuemmer Ponder for a while and try to grasp the message it would like to convey.
The old fisherman was sitting there with his line in the water. Ships were passing up and down the river. I stopped to chat with him. “when I was boy.” He confided to me, “I wanted to be a boat captain, but ended up keeping books for 40 years in an office.”
We talked a bit, then I remarked, “Fish must be biting on a cloudy day like this.” He smiled, took his pipe of his mouth, and said, “You know, I really don’t like river fish anyway, what will all this water pollution. Besides, I hate to clean fish. When my wife was alive, it was different. But now…. Actually I just to sit here and watch the ships go by. I just day dream and let my thoughts roam. But if I just sat here without a fishing rod, some people get funny ideas…. Like the fellow who thought I wanted to jump in and drown myself.
So I just hang onto this pole for looks. I’m not seriously fishing. And if I do catch occasionally, I throw it back in.” So that’s what this old retired man did: he relaxed at his won pace. He was at peace with himself in the years of his life. How many people are as fortunate?
By: Mrs. Sisa H. Parrera T-III | DEPED Samal, Bataan