



Most children, who are not doing well in school as they have the potential to, may have a learning disability. They may have a normal intelligence but suffering in one or more areas of learning. Learning Disabled children have difficulty with academic achievement and progress. Discrepancies exist between a person’s potential for learning and what he actually learns. A child with LD shows an uneven pattern of development e.g. language development. His learning problems are not due to environmental disadvantage nor mental retardation and emotional disturbances. According to some educators there are about 5 & 10 percent of kids between ages 6 to 17 with learning disabilities. There are lots of kinds of learning disabilities. Among the areas that may be affected are as follows


  • Spoken language—problems in listening and speaking
  • Reading—difficulties decoding or recognizing words or understanding   them
  • Written language—problems with writing, spelling, organizing ideas
  • Math—trouble doing arithmetic or understanding basic concepts
  • Reasoning—problems organizing and putting together thoughts
  • Memory—problems remembering facts and instructions
  • Social behavior—difficulties with social judgment, tolerating   frustration and making friends
  • Physical coordination—problems with handwriting, manipulating small   objects, running and jumping


  • Organization—trouble with managing time and belongings, carrying out a   plan
  • Metacognition (thinking about   thinking)—problems with knowing, using and monitoring the use of thinking   and learning strategies, and learning


Early diagnosis and treatment of LD’s are so important in order to prevent


complications. As kids get more and more behind in school, they tend to be more frustrated and developed a feeling of failure in everything that they do. Often these lead to self-esteem problems and bad behavior. In most cases, when not noticed and treated as early as possible, it can cause adult literacy problems. If identified and diagnosed or treated, children will have a chance to get help they needed and may able to reach their potentials. If you think your child has an LD , do not delay in getting help for your child. Here are some of the Parenting Tips to help your child.


  • Learn as much as you can about your child’s LD.
  • Figure out how your child learns best. What are their special skills,   talents, and interests? This information can help you motivate and foster   your child’s learning. Be open to other ways of learning. The senses,   movement, and listening are all ways of gathering information. What works   best for your child?
  • Encourage your child to work on their special talent. When they can   really shine in some area, it helps them feel like a success.
  • Give your child unconditional love and support.
  • Accept your own mistakes. Model for your child that mistakes do not   equal failure! Show your child that mistakes can be useful and lead to   solutions.
  • Help your child understand their learning problems and talk about   them. Focus on coping skills.
  • Help your child stay strong in body and mind by providing good food,   enough rest, play, and family outings.
  • If you’re having trouble coping, get professional counseling. It can   be tough handling difficult behavior from your child and difficult   feelings of your own.
  • Join a support group for parents of kids with LDs.


 Help your child get organized


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