1. Help your child for – study habits.
  2. Provide your child with a quite place to study.
  3. Remind a child to perform well in the school.
  4. Help your child believe in him/herself.
  5. Increase your child’s interest in learning by proper motivation.
  6. Teach your child to use reference books and magazines.
  7. Help your child to read better.
  8. Help your child to learn to listen well.
  9. Help your child to write legibly and fast
  10. Help your child to study before taking the test.
  11. Let your child feel your love in teaching – learning.
  12. Orient your child to use high technology.
  13. Spend quality time for your child.

By: Ms. Aleli P. Demasis | Teacher I | Bilolo Elementary School, Bilolo, Orion, Bataan

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