<p><img src=”images/stories/rollingnfasmall.jpg” width=”193″ height=”126″ style=”float: right;” hspace=”6″ alt=”Image” title=”Image” border=”0″ /><br />The NFA Rolling Store is a  local government  initiative for food sufficiency. The project aims to provide and ensure good quality rice at affordable price by the low income families  in the community at scheduled times. This  is  in  line with  the  national  government’s concept  of  food security among indigent families. <br />                        <br />The Local  Government  of  Orion, Bataan  headed  by Mayor Antonio L. Raymundo had started  his  project last June  24, 2008 where  most  of  the  deserving  families  who  availed  of low priced- rice showed  positive attitudes /  views by coordinating with the barangay  officials to assist and render volunteer works regarding to this project.<br /><br />As of this writing , four ( 4 ) of the twenty three ( 23 ) barangays of Orion, Bataan  are now availing of this project.</p><p><strong><br /></strong></p>

By: Bong Manalaoto (MSWD Worker)

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