No Read __ No Pass … This is what we all aim especially for the grade I class. It is a prerequisite to have e better future and there can never be better time to start aiming for the best but now. DepEd initiated a reading program called “ Every Child a Reader Program ( ECARP) . As stated in DepEd Order No.43 , s. 2002. it is expected that no pupil will be promoted to the higher next level unless he manifests mastery of the basic literacy skills in a particular grade level. All possible means of assistance and encouragement shall be  extended to enable  the child to read. 

Kids have to learn how to read before learning the other prescribed subjects . Grade I teachers were oriented to make use of the best strategy just to make them  read with comprehension. Some of the common strategies commonly used in teaching reading are, MARUNGKO approach , Shared reading , Textual Reading aloud , Textual Journal Writing , Individual Tutoring, Cooperative Learning Techniques like Learning Barkadas. There is no one best technique for everyone  but there’s a lot to choose from . It is a disgrace on the part of the teacher to have a non- reader in the school. For most people would say that teachers are the ones to be blamed. Others will point their fingers to the parents.  Instead of pointing fingers , let’s just share our respective expertise to make them learn  and help in any way possible to assist these people in their struggle. Anyway , if there’s a will , there’s a way.

By: Mrs. Nelda A. Peralta Master Teacher-I

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