The graduates of OES1971/JRI1975 helped create awareness among 300 plus grade one pupils on the importance of nutrition. Ms Corazon Sto Domingo gave a short talk on the Food Guide Pyramid showing the children how to eat healthy.
Based on the statistics taken earlier on the day on the weights and the heights of the children, it was found that there was a high percentage of weighted grade one pupils who are underweight at their age. The key message on the importance of eating healthy was reiterated to the students and teachers.
This was then followed with a well-balanced prepacked lunch served to all the pupils and the teachers.
To emphasise the importance of eating healthy, a game was conducted and was well participated by the children competing against each other to “harvest” as many fruits and vegetable.
The day was then concluded with the OES Batch71/JRI Batch 75’s donation of TWO sets of computers to Orion Elementary School. The Batch’s President Sam Candido, on behalf of the group formally presented the gifts to the Principal of the School.
By: Dee of Perth Western Australia Batch 1975 JRI BATCH 1971 OES