The Municipality of Orion being one of the successful LGU implementing the computerization program or the e-Governance Project a CIDA-funded e-Governance for Municipal Development Project being implemented by CESO’s Philippine Partnership Branch in partnership with LMP, MDC and CICT-NCC, will be featured once again on the Lakbayin ang Magandang Pilipinas TV Program of NBN Channel 4. The subject was about the benefits of having the eBPLS (Electronic Real Property System) in the Municipality and how it improved Orion’s revenue collection on Business Permit this year. For the past years, Mayor Tonypep revolutionize the municipaliy’s “LOW TECH” means of transaction, which gave way to other sophisticated programs like CBMS, eNgas, CRSv2, Website, Linux, eRPTS etc. The MIO and MPDO headed by Mr. Leo Renton (IT person) and Andy Avorque (Planning Officer) was assigned by the Honorable Mayor to insure the successful implementation of every computerization projects of the municipality.