The Municipality of Orion has begun drafting its new Executive-Legislative Agenda for the years 2008 – 2010. The agenda will be the roadmap to progress of the Municipality of Orion which has been classified as a third class municipality. In the orientation conducted on April 4, 2008 at the Conference Room of the Municipal Building, MS. Amy T. Bumagat, Local Government Operations Officer IV of the Department of the Interior and Local Government , emphasized the need to craft a three-year action plan geared towards development. She emphasized the need to include the stakeholders to participate in the formulation of the ELA to promote participatory governance. Likewise, she informed the participants to push for a true people’s agenda since the ELA is actually for the people.
During the said ELA Formulation Orientation, Ms. Bumagat also said that the task is easy, simple and doable but there is a need to break away from the conventional method of formulating a mere executive agenda. The ELA should be a combination of what the other departments hopes to achieve for the people. That is why she reminded the department heads who participated to come up with their respective plans.
The formulation of the ELA will be a series of meeting among the executive and legislative branches of the local government which began with this orientation. The ELA team will meet again on April 16 to discuss their given assignments which focus on the competencies of the different offices.
By: Ganniebdeleon / janpatrik