The success of students in their scholastic pursuits lie so much in the in parents involvement as they support their children in their school work.

Parents and teachers assure their children that school is a good place for them. One’s life inside the school is not something we can call the real world but it is life nevertheless that would mold an individual into someone strong and courageous enough to take on the challenge of this world.

Learning would be worthwhile for them as long as parents play their vital role as guardians reinforcing not only the completion of assignments but also fostering the understanding of lessons toward excellent academic performance.

As enumerated by Fernandez in his article “Parents Can Help Their Children Get Better Grades”, some ways on how a parent can help his child get better grades in school as follows :

  1. Time means love
  2. A good environment sets the stage
  3. Make a room for laughter
  4. Provide adequate place to study
  5. Keep him / her dangling
  6. Help the child acquire sound study
  7. Accept your child’s pace
  8. Teach the child how to find information
  9. Help the child read better
  10. Help the child believe in himself
  11. Help the child learn to listen
  12. Seek a response and enlarge a child’s horizon
  13. Show the fun to others
  14. Help the child write legibly and fast
  15. Help the child learn to take the test
  16. Give the gift of approval.

By: Agnes M. Fajardo, Teacher III Casupanan Elem. School

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