I have read a lot of article about education and it led me to only one thing. Education is important. If education is important, how are we going to use its importance? How shall it guide us? How can it help us find the fulfillment in this busy, challenging world? These are some of the mind. Boggling questions that need to be answered not only by the teacher, but to the pupils as well.
Students come to the school not just to be literate person; not just to master communicative skills but to develop their whole being, the body, mind, soul and spirit. In school, there are immeasurable opportunities for the development of the mind and the enrichment of the soul, for the growing of a bigger man. Are we are all aware of them? We can never deny the fact that many student failed to put it in hand. They completely ignore these things.
Education is very important. The higher we ascend, the broader the vista of opportunities that appear to us; it heightens our longings for great achievement that we may become somebody. But don’t expect much from ourselves just because we are educated. Aim not to fly but aim instead for the reasonable things that we can do. Devote our best effort and ability with the idea that we are not going to achieve the impossible.
I know that in our present world, knowledge is very essential for it is the true currency of time, and a knowledge diploma is one token of knowledge and you can only get it through education.
Everybody needs knowledge. Knowledge that will enable us to survive
By: Mrs. Estelita M. Laguitan | Teacher III | Limay Elementary School | Limay, Bataan