We cannot deny the fact about the inspiration that a quotation can give to a person. This article focuses on some quotations intended for women and how these quotations help them achieve lasting fulfillment in life. This author is so grateful to Mr. Esteban B. Agravante for compiling quotations intended for women, and in return to enable her to disseminate these to women of this generation.

The following are some of the quotations with matching interpretations or explanations.

First quotation which I find applicable at all times is this,“ A woman deserves no credit for her beauty at sixteen but beauty of sixty is her own souls doing.”

This  quotation simply tells us that the true beauty of a woman can be seen not when she is sixteeb years old, but when she is sixty, which simply means that with all her accomplishments in life, she can be considered beautiful, also at age 60, an old woman is expected to do good things which will make her more beautiful in the eyes of God & people.

Another significant quotation about women is: “ When your friends begin to flatter you on how you look, it’s a sure sign you are getting old.” In this quotation, there’s a possibility that when others are telling on how young you look despite of your old age, it is only a flattery and not really meant by them. Many women feel elated when others tell them that they don’t look their real age. Age really matters to many women.

Still another quotation about women is: If You Want to Be a Dear Old Lady at Seventy You Have to Begin Early say About Seventeen. Character & attitude are being inculcated from young age. So if a woman wants to grow old with good characteristics begin it at her young age.


By: Ms. Victoria H. Laqui T-III | DEPED Samal Bataan

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