     The Rotary Club of Orion has sponsored a workshop on Concentrated Language Encounter Program ( CLEP ) at Orion Elementary School. The participants were all the school heads of Orion District and 16 Grade I teachers from 4 selected schools, namely,: Orion Elem. School, Capunitan Elem. School. Sto. Domingo Elem. School and Pablo Roman elem. School. The program introduces new methodology in teaching English and will benefit 628 Grade I students from the 4 schools. The project is implemented at the start of the second semester and will last until the end of the school year. The Rotary club of Orion has provided 30 teachers’ kits and 628 students kits which should be enough for the current school year. The cost of the workshop was also shouldered by RC Orion. The program is made possible by a matching grant from Rotary International D – 3790.

By: Rolly San Jose, Pres. Rotary Club of Orion

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