Click this link to view the SLRG 2007

In 2006 we reaped the fruit of our hard work, our reclassification into 3rd class municipality. The following year we savored success but more than that we prepared ourselves into challenges ahead.
While 2007 is another struggling years, we make sure that machineries are in place, contingency plan are ready in case derailing occur.

This time we are more solid, both the executive and legislative branch now view local government operation at the same perspective, thanks for the information the Local Government Performance Management System or LGPMS has provided.

ImageLGPMS captured the very essence of local government operation. It summarizes all performance areas that the executive body must give focus to. It provided our legislative body on what enactment should be prioritized.

The year under review that is 2007 is a showcase that we have managed to infuse the right intervention on the problems that we find in 2006 LGPMS results.

As we pursue our plans for 2008 and the coming years ahead, allow us to share with you what have been achieved in 2007, with the invitation to take part in pursuing progress as we continue to realize our battle cry, Ipagpatuloy ang Pagsulogn ng Udyong!
Municipal Mayor

ImageThe advent of productivity and measurement concept in the Philippines started since the early 80’s. As it evolved, many innovations has been undertaken, advocacies becomes more active to cover a large number of LGU in the country. However, many efforts has still to be exerted to really make it a regular part of gauging the LGU performance and make it as the basis for improving the delivery of public services.

Over the past years, local administration in Orion has undergone a very healthy process, relationship of both executive and legislative though far from ideal, has become a reliable venue for check and balance.

The result of past LGPMS becomes the basis for us to deliver what we owe to deliver as a legislative body. There are times that we argue for some issues. Those arguments oftentimes work to the advantage of Orion, as pros and cons bring out the best option for the municipality.

From the 2006 results, intervention was made especially in those areas that need priority attention, 2007 result was as confirmation that are response is correct and timely.

On the part of the Sangunian we were able to know the legislative actions that we still have to deliver, some of which is the codification of ordinances, environmental code and children code to name a few.

Taking cue from the above, LGPMS therefore provides us public servant an assessment on what kind of services we are delivering and what services are need to be delivered.

Through this SLGR we take pride to inform you of what we have accomplished in 2007 and invite to take part in exploring all possibilities to make Orion a better place to live for all of us.

Municipal Vice-Mayor


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