What is Dengue?
Dengue is a disease experienced by human through a female mosquito bite carrying dengue virus. This mosquito is called Aedes. Mosquitoes bite within the day, usually two hours after sunrise and two hours before sunset. They live in dark places and lay eggs in clear and stagnant water.
Signs and Symptoms of Dengue
ü Sudden onset of high grade fever for 2 – 7 days
ü Flushed skin caused by high grade fever
ü Skin rashes – red tiny spots called petechiae
ü Epistaxis (nose bleeding) and gum bleeding
ü Loss of appetite
ü Weakness
ü Abdominal pain
ü Joint and muscle pain
ü Dizziness and vomiting of coffee-colored matter
ü Dark-colored stool
Tips to Prevent Dengue
- Clean every place where mosquitoes may live.
- Puncture, cut, or put sand and oil in old tires and cans to avoid accumulation of rain water
- Cover drums, pails, and other water containers at all times and clean at least once a week to prevent mosquitoes from breeding
- Change water in flower vases once a week
- Clean and remove water from dish organizer
- Clean every downspout and gutters
- Clean all water containers once a week; scrub the sides well to remove eggs of mosquitoes sticking to the sides
- Dispose other things that may contain water
- Use Mosquito OL – TRAP
The Mosquito Ovicidal/ Larvicidal trap or mosquito OL – TRAP is a system used to control the population of the dengue – carrying Aedes mosquitoes.
- Consult your physician if your fever lasts for at least 2 days
Everyone can be a victim of dengue. So, do not be relaxed. Clean and dispose everything wherein mosquitoes may live. Know your community’s situation; coordinate with your city or municipal health office. With your cooperation with the whole community, you will definitely prevent dengue.
By: Ms. Plinky Jeunesse T. Roxas | Nurse | Limay National High School | Limay, Orion Bataan