During the time when children have more knowledge at their disposal that ever before, brought about their exposure to media and technology, the DOWN ON MY KNEES attitude, often called DOMYK principle, is an essential step to reach out to children. It is the gift of God’s Word which is the most valuable benefit they could receive from you. Because of these extra ordinary strength is needed from the high heavens. Here are some points on how to get by:
Devote a special time of prayer everyday. Ask God to give you the love you need to understand the children- their behavior individuality and their ability to comprehend. Pray for your students. Intercede for their personal well- being, physical health and spiritual awakening.
Say a prayer for your children’s parents and guardians, so that they may join with you in planting good seeds on the children. Remember that you are working to build the kingdom of God. It is not your ministry that should be highlighted it is Go’s hands that will ultimately work.
Keep in mind that your service for God is not in vain. You shall reap a harvest if you do not lose heart.
Down on My Knees literally means surrendering to God your all- your own wisdom in exchange for His good judgment your physical strength traded for His power to resist all hindrances and to overcome.
In dealing with children, our minds should become just a reservoir for the wisdom of the Spirit. In the first place, all teachings must be of God’s will and purpose.
GETTING DOWN ON OUR KNEES is vital so that the LORD will be lifted UP!

By: Judith E. Tanael

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