The dictionary defines the word ‘teacher’ as someone who gives systematic information, instruction and training to a person. Meanwhile, it defines the word ‘manager’ as a person who controls and administers activities of other persons. It is high time that we leap to another breakthrough by crossing the gap which separates the two given terms.
A teacher is undoubtedly a school manager. The questions that should really be answered are these: What do teachers need to do to apply managerial skills to the school? What are the benefits of applying such? Are these methods tried and tested?
A manager, first and foremost, to be followed, must be respected, not feared. Respect begets respect. We should respect our students if we want them to respect us. It is very heart-warming on the part of us teachers if students follow us not because they fear us but because they respect us. We should give the students equal rights and opportunities. This is what is sadly lacking among many people now – respect to others. What good does respect to our supervisors and principals mean when we cannot respect our students? Truly, a man’s character is reflected on how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
Secondly, a teacher as a school manager must always be approachable. All of us teachers were once students, too, so we know how it feels like to keep something to ourselves, lest we will be embarrassed if we spit it out. We should never give any reasons to our students to keep quiet. We should teach them, not to be timid and shy, but to speak when they need to speak and to ask when they have something to ask. None or more hopelessly enslaved than those who cannot voice out what they feel.
And lastly, we must go back to the roots of our teaching vocation. We must always bear in mind that we are teachers neither because of ourselves nor our salaries. We are not teachers because of the self-glorification or the bonuses we get but because of the students. When we prioritize things that deal with our job, then and only then can we fully claim that we are not just teachers but school managers as well.
By: Mrs.Elena H. Fabian | Tapulao Elementary School | Orani, Bataan