B. Camacho National High School
Teacher III
A teacher is part friend, confidant, motivator, coach, actor, and leader, but most of all a teacher is an individual that sparks intellect and encourages students to pursue knowledge on their own.
“For my 14 years I have stood in front of a classroom and look into children’s faces, from that perspective I see what they sometimes fail to see- potential . A lot of students don’t see their own potential because they are blinded by their faults . The greatest role of a teacher is to reflect back to students the light you see in their eyes”
As children enter the world today they will rely on what generation of Filipinos have always relied on to survive – confidence , worth and hope . The ability of people to struggle and persevere is what brought our country through the great depression and two world wars. It is what has enabled Filipinos to have the courage to invent , discover and create our way to leadership in the world.
The world has not stayed the same as during the past and it will not stay the same in the future. Information seen as essential to education standard today will soon to be outdated. There will always be a challenge , there will always be a struggle.. There will always be a change .
If we arm our children with the right tools . they will always be prepared to face all three. There will be new ideas , new discoveries and new creative works. that will change our future as much as our past has changed. . This will not be accomplished by people who have to but want to follow their dreams , As educators the will to learn is what we must nurture in our next generation The passion to seek one’s purpose in life is what we must encourage in our children the only real standard our children must meet to their future are the ones they set for themselves . It is their expectation and goals that will matter most to them , it is their journey they must walk .It is their dreams that will come true.
To begin to solve the problem in education today we need more just government programs and taxpayer’s money. Building , Textbooks , curriculum education al standards are all fine but most of all we need teachers who know how to connect with students . All the educational theories past , present and future can never replace the impact one human being can have an another in the classroom it will take more than a sound bite on television or a campaign promise to make our students believe in themselves –it will take a person who believes in them . In life it takes a parent, grandparent and friend . In education –It will take a teacher.
By: Gregorio B. Castro