A teacher always aims for the best, especially when it comes to actual teaching. The Department of Education is always striving for excellence because of its belief & conviction that every Filipino child deserves the best schooling possible.

The teacher who is the front liner should always look for effective & best methods & strategies to make children perform better.

According to the booklet “Learning From The Best”, A Guide To The Search For Best Practices, Best Practices is a term coined by the business world. The business world is known for the fierce competition of companies for consumer satisfaction, preference & loyalty. They look at the bottom line-profits. Therefore companies aim for the number 1 market position look at the practices of successful, highly profitable competitors and emulate these practices. Best practices therefore, refers to the management & operational practices which are found to yield good results.

Teachers should determine which of her methods or strategies in her classrooms are effective. These may include practices in activities, processes and methods that will help schools meet or exceed his or her targets in students performance. Aside from being effective, good practices are proven efficient, sustainable or replicable in helping schools meet goals.

Some of the focal points wherein a teacher should give considerations are.
•    Addressing absenteeism & drop-outs
•    Math Performance
•    Reading Proficiency
•    Peer Teaching
•    Parent Assisted Tutorial of Children
•    Instructional Technology
These best practices will be able to help increase the level of performance of the children & the school as a whole.

By: Ms. Victoria H. Laqui T-III | DEPED Samal Bataan

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