READING problems should really alarm us if we are interested in our children well-being and personal fulfilment. Ignoring it could prevent them from fully developing their talents and from becoming the whole person they were meant to be. This should make it clear that parents and teacher whose prime duty is to teach children how to read and how to read functionally have a critical role in getting their children off to the right start. Here the A-Z of successful reading.
A – Ask yourself: What do I know? What do I want to know? What did I Learn?
B – Begin Reading, from simple to complex
C – Choose reading materials you want to read
D – Develop a genuine love for reading
E – Encourage everyone to read
F – Facilitate your pupil’s reading
G – Genuine love for reading makes everyone a good reader
H – Help your pupils develop and improve reading ability
I – Instructional materials support successful reading
J – Jot down unfamiliar words you meet while reading
K – Know the writer’s craft, what his purpose is in writing
L – Library is the soul of a school, providing every pupil independent learning and research
M – Motivate your pupils to read
N – Never stop reading
O – Observe your pupils while reading to diagnose difficulties and offer help
P – Prepare the pupils for what they will read
Q – Quality reading materials make reading pleasurable
R – Read aloud to your pupils everyday
S – Start reading to your pupils at the earliest age possible
T – Train your students to be purposeful readers
U – Understand what you read
V- Varied reading materials provides varied learning
W – Work with your pupil’s parents to monitor difficulties and progress
X- Exercises on reading enhance and strengthen one’s reading ability
Y – Yes to reading, to become a better person
Z – Zero in on non-readers by catching them early through reading interventions

By: Lorna V. Julian | Teacher III | Luz Elementary School | Limay, Bataan

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