Being the most important factor in the school organization, the Teacher must have full knowledge and appreciation of his broader duties, his solemn obligations to transmit the democratic ideas and practices to the coming generations that they maybe better citizens of tomorrow. He must realize that he is the trustee of the cultural heritage of the people, and he must conscious of the movement for world brotherhood. He must always bear in mind that in the performance of his duty, he is a person in authority and in close contact with the youth and even with adults.

The teacher should feel a genuine pride for his profession, however should not be measured by its material rewards. Remember that teaching is a missionary work. He should make every effort to raise the standard of his profession by constant of the latest methods of teaching and acquaintance with recent trends of the profession. Through research and investigation he can extend the frontiers of the teaching profession. The pursuit of higher degrees may broaden his professional organization knowledge. Membership in the professional organizations contribute immensely to his professional standing, in these ways can the teacher gain public recognition of the great importance of his profession.


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