It is a truism that teaching is a noble profession. Indeed, it can be considered as the noblest profession.
This being so, teachers as public employees must uphold the public interest over and above personal interest.
Teachers, whether in public or private schools are expected to perform and discharge their duties with the highest degree of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall exercise their duties with utmost devotion and dedication to duty.
It must also be remembered true professionalism is based on ideology, like as social involvement that has its own goals, mission and doctrines.
Truly, it is disheartening to hear that some teachers and even school administrators are involved in intrigues that bring them to an embarrassing situation. Cases like this blacken the image of the teaching profession.
As teachers, therefore, we must uphold the highest degree of professionalism in the performance of our duties.
By: Mrs. Agnes B. Pedroche | TIII-Pablo Roman National High School | Orion, Bataan