The quality of mathematics education in the Philippines is alarming as stated in some research findings.  However, different remedies and measures have been adapted to address this dilemma, which according to this research are coming from different reasons and causes. Seminars, trainings, fora, conferences, practical strategies and techniques for improving Mathematics teaching especially. In the secondary level are suggested for the teachers who are committed to improve and attain level of proficiency in numeracy among pupils/students through proper math teaching.  

Mathematics is an integral part of oir lives No one on the face of the earth ever escaped numbers; since they occur  many million times your lifetime, But despite these measures that have been exhausted to remedy the present status, mathematics teaching remains to  have low quality.  

What are some of the proposed solutions, suggestions that we can think of?  Mathematics remains to be a challenging yet enjoyable discipline, because of this a mathematics teacher needs to develop students capacity for critical thinking and logical reasoning.  Teaching mathematics to students can be so exhausting simply because math is so different in so many ways compared to all other subjects.  Grasping these fundamentals will greatly aid in ensuring students mastery of this subject. According to Duque (1999) some of the characteristics of teachers who elicit the strongest achievement gains from their students are the following:

1. Appropriate expectation and a sense of efficacy.  Teachers believe that students are capable of learning and that these teachers can teach the students. If students do not learn something the first time, these teachers teach it again.  In general, teachers express proactive and appropriate expectations for learning. 
2. Classroom Management and organization – they organize their classrooms as effective learning environments and use management techniques that maximize the time students spend in lessons and activities.
3. Opportunity to Learn – The teacher spends more hours each year on academic tasks.
4. Curriculum Pacing – The teacher allows continuous progress for students by moving through the curriculum up to the end.
5. Active Teaching – The teacher instructs, demonstrates skills, and explains concepts well, explaining concepts and reviewing them when necessary.
6. Supportive Learning Environment – The teacher maintains pleasant, friendly classrooms and is perceive as enthusiastic, supportive instructions.

The search for a quality Mathematics teaching will continue in all levels of the educational system and in different areas of discipline.  There’s no doubt that if quality teaching will be evident, there’s no reason why Filipino students will not love Mathematics.

By: Ms. Rosario T. Rodrigo | Teacher III

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