Civic responsibility is a value which obliges each member of society to contribute to the common goal through the sharing of materials as well as spiritual goals. Social solidarity is one of it’s guiding principles. It sets the standard as regards how men ought to relate with one another fellowship, brotherhood, empathy and compassion. These, however, are not mere sentiments. They are expressed in concrete deeds of concern and affection which are animated by the virtues of justice and love.
In mere concrete terms, for the sake of the students, educators can practice social solidarity by giving the best of themselves in the exercise of their profession. In other words, teacher needs to teach well. A teachers know that they have done so, not when they have only managed to deliver all the classes. That is not enough! Nor should it be the primary concerns.
Besides, teacher has to realize that teaching well is a means to practice solidarity with those who are materially poor. This is the case, in particular, of the great majority of students in the public schools.
What can be done for the majority of the “poor” in our public schools? Social Solidarity demands that we need to urgently put the great efforts in improving the quality of education in the public school system.
By: Ms. Juvy P. Cruz | Orion Elementary School