One of the basic functions of secondary schools is to continue the basic education started in the elementary, promote moral and social development, foster good values and utilize knowledge as an effective instrument of national progress.
The success of the secondary schools depends largely on school administrators and teachers. For a long time now secondary schools face the problem of low student performance, high drops – outs and low participation rates.
Under the present head of DepEd. Bataan, a systematic teacher – recruitment program was organized. Teachers are selected from a rooster of qualified applicants. School Heads recommend the most qualified applicant according to his/her are of specialization.
At present, a teacher – training program was launched. There is a continuing career, personal development and moral formation of teachers. In the administrators level, programs and studies on the different aspects of personnel and leadership activities are being conducted to address the concerns of teachers, students and other school personnel
To see on how teachers are being helped, school administrators have an open communication with teachers. Teachers shared assumptions that resources was the critical factor in the implementation of the DepEd programs and projects. Through the initiative of school heads, teachers provided the textbooks, manuals, and instructional materials from the school/local funds. School Heads exercise equity fairness and transparency in the disbursement of these funds.
Evidences suggest that students are oriented towards learning in comfortable classrooms. The Provincial School Board of Bataan, co-chaired by the School Division Superintendent, started a massive school building program were schools are renovated and school facilities augmented. Today , 75% of the schools of Bataan, sport a new look. Comfortable class rooms are now occupied by students. Teachers viewed the new school setting as motivational to student’s performance. They too support that classrooms climate is important to learning.
The active support of parents, teachers, student’s local government units, NGO” and the communities ensure better coordination, make smoother flow of donations, grants and needed funds for the school operation. Other agencies are involved. The non- government machinery is needed for an effective coordination of school activities.
However, all other factors conceive to advance towards a more compassionate society, that best convey the humanity which GOD has created in the Division of Bataan is contained in its MISSION and VISION statements.
By: OFELIA D. DE VEGA | Secondary School Principal II