“He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him” – Proverbs 13:24
One of the most sensitive areas of parenting today is the issue of discipline. God expects parents to administer discipline to their children. Over and over, parents are advised to use the rod. As stated in Proverbs 29:15 – “The rod of correction imparts wisdom, but a child left to himself disgraces his mother”.
However, it is important to note that the Biblical “rod” is not always a literal rod. The scriptural “rod” is a SYMBOL OF DISCIPLINE.
There are different rods – various types of discipline. In fact, children with various temperaments and in differing circumstances need different rods.
The following are the FOUR TYPES OF DISCIPLINE. Such as :
1. ISOLATION – the child is being isolated or restricted to the four walls of his room for 2-3 days, for him to have evaluation of what he has done is wrong.
2. DEPRIVATION – here the child or youth is deprived of something that he enjoys, and over which the parent has full control.
3. NATURAL or LOGICAL CONSEQUENCES – with this method, the parent resists the urge to intervene, permitting the child to suffer the consequences of his behavior.
4. CORPORAL PUNISHMENT – for many parent, this is their first resort. Instead it should be the very last resort . This option should be reserved for young children only and should be used sparingly. Corporal punishment ought to be given in privacy, safeguarding the child’s worth.
So what is the secret of discipline? It is LOVE. The method of discipline will vary according to the needs and temperament of the child but the motive should never vary – it should always be LOVE:
By: Mrs. Edna G. Reñosa Teacher III | Tomas Pinpin Memorial Elementary School Abucay District