We all know that writing is not an easy task. We need to have a devotion, patience and concentration to be able to get a better result.
Many people really want to write but the problems, they don’t know how to set themselves for writing. Setting oneself in writing is easier said than done. It includes getting of ideas, organizing them into logical order, finding the right mood to start, etc.
Actually there is no magic formula for effective writing. A writer should not wait for the so-called moods. The rim you have ideas, immediately think of a good topic and appropriate beginnings. “How could I gather good ideas?”Well, the truth is, there are so many ways on how to gather enough ideas such as by means of observing, conserving, searching, interviewing and especially by experience. These are the main reliable sources of good ideas. Then the time you have already started your article it is easy for you to continue. You may end your article maybe by asking question and giving opinion. It may also be suspense or just plain telling the result of what you have written. Now that you have already read this. I hope you can make your own too and may it help you s a beginner. Remember that you can write articles if you really want to. As they say “If others can do it, you can do it better.”
By: Mrs. Lourdes M. Octavio | T III – Pablo Roman National High School | Orion, Bataan