What is inside a teacher’s heart? A question that is really hard to answer. Some says that there lies tiredness, loss of temper that leads to anger, stress, pressure and other negative aspects happening daily to a teacher. It is true that teaching requires patience and sacrifice. A teacher experiences all these hardships but at the end of the day, standing still as an educator, dedicated and committed.
On the other side, a teacher’s heart is very distinctive. It wishes to do everything for the learner’s welfare, not only to store all the lessons on their memories but instead to use their minds. And to think for themselves. As their surrogate parent, we want all the best for the children. Teachers inculcate in them moral values to develop them with dignity. There lies also tons and tons of patience and commitment. Patience with those who are slow to learn and refuse to learn. Committed to perform all her duties and responsibilities to the extent of sacrificing a lot of things.
Lastly, amidst all the worries and the frustrations of a teacher, true HAPPINESS lies within. For every success story of her student heard, a teacher’s heart beats with pride and honor. Deep within it saying “Love conquers all.”
Indeed, teachers have a very strong and blessed heart.
By: Jane L. Ringor/Orion Elementary School/Orion, Bataan