October 5-  declared as “ World Teachers Day”  – a time to honor our mentors who also known as un-acclaimed heroes of our nation. Teachers played significant roles in forming those sterling characters of courage, resiliency, kindness, and generosity and in instilling values and good behaviors among our youngsters.

Unfortunately  teachers are being neglected and disrespected  no matter how important roles they play. Most pupils never show politeness and respect  to their teachers. The way these pupils speak to their teachers display how rude and impolite they are. Greeting the teachers when they meet them along their way  is now on extinction.  Helping teachers in carrying heavy loads seems to forget.

Gone are the days where pupils are polite and courteous. It’s very seldom to see pupils who show love, respect and concern to their teachers. Most of the pupils especially those in the intermediate grades never express appreciation to the good deeds and learning their teachers imparted to them.

Yes, it is not too late, we can still make amends to our teachers for the shortcomings .  Even it is not World Teachers Day we can still express how thankful  we are for all the wisdom they share.

A simple thank you note, sweet and warm greeting or any token of gratitude  would mean a lot for our teachers. Let us  pay tribute to our mentors, shower them with love, honor, and respect that they deserve.

By: Edna G. Renosa, Tomas Pinpin Memorial Elem School

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