Step 1- For Teachers in Regular school, be more systematic and structured so you can spot the special learners earlier on.
–     With the low literacy level, you can’t really tell anymore.  If you handle a class full of non-readers, how can you detect which ones have learning disabilities and which ones are simply not learning enough?  The only way to tell is to teach them.
Step 2 – Once you detect a learning disability, do remedial teaching right away.  Sit down with the kid after class; spend extra time and effort helping him.

Step 3 – Have the special learners sit in front.  This helps them to concentrate, as they are easily distracted.  Give them handouts.  Pay attention to them.

Step 4 – Teach them how to read in their first language (Mother Tongue) for better comprehension
It’s also important to strengthen English language development orally.

Step 5 – Study!  Information is available everywhere, you just need to bring all your resources together.  Special needs should not take a back seat, even if there are bigger problems within the system.

By: Lorna V. Julian | Teacher III | Luz Elementary School | Limay, Bataan

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