CLASSROOM management strategy 1 – Start the class right. First impressions last so the say. Make sure that you establish the class rules during the first day of classes. Create a simple list of rules that you want to be followed pupils should be attentive in class, avoid too much noise in doing their activities and submitting their assignment on time. This establishes a covenant that sets the tone for learning.
Classroom management strategy 2 – Provide variety in the pupil’s activities. Making pupils sit for a whole forty-five or one hour period is boring for kids who are raring to do something. Engage them in something that will make them focus onto something or move around the classroom, release pent up energy and harness their creativity.
Classroom management strategy 3 – Talk with the pupils. Talking with the pupils establishes a similar bond between parents and their kids. This is the reason why teachers are considered as second parents because in school, the kids spend more time with their teachers. They will long for their teachers to remind them of the emotional bond between the parents and their children. Talking with the kids is an excellent classroom management strategy that will establish that emotional bond.
Classroom management strategy 4 – Stay close to disruptive pupils. Some could not contain themselves and disturb others by their disruptive behaviour like poking somebody or throwing paper to their classmates. Walk around and stay close to these kids. They are likely to stop their disruptive behaviour and get back to work. If they keep on disrupting the class, there may be a much more serious matter arising from home that needs to be addressed. Talk to them privately.
Classroom management strategy 5 – Make reward system work. Reward pupils for a job well done. Be consistent each time so that you get the kids to exhibit the desired behaviour. Rewards need not be expensive. Having stickers around is a good classroom management strategy that will go along way. Have them stick colourful cartoon stickers on their notes or bags.
Classroom management strategy 6 – Arrange the chairs in such a way that everybody is in front of you. The conventional arrangement is to arrange chairs in succeeding rows. This limits the influence of the teacher to those in back rows. Arranging them in a semi-circle, or in a U-shape will maximize their exposure to teachers and prevent discipline problems. If this arrangement is not possible, ample space may be given in between rows so the teacher can move around while making a lecture or providing instructions.
Classroom management strategy 7 – Plan your lessons very well. Make sure that you plan your lessons very well especially during the first few sessions. If you are organized, this impress to the pupils that there are new learning activities each time they attend school and will look forward to it with enthusiasm.
By: Enrico G. Gomez T-1 Orion Elementary School