At present, majority of our students are highly exposed to the use of different gadgets and multimedia like computers, laptops, DVD, I-pod and television. These things greatly occupy most of their time and really aroused their interests and curiosity towards many things. As a result, many ended up neglecting their studies.
To cope with the said condition, it is very much needed to utilize religiously ETV or educational television in the teaching-learning activity. In this way, the interests of students towards everyday’s lessons will be stimulated and enhanced thoroughly. They will not only learn the lesson but will also develop critical thinking within them. They will also become aware of other things, experiences and events that are happening around them.
Teachers have the greatest responsibility on choosing the right video or film that they will be using in their lessons. Careful planning should be done and pre-viewing of the video should be carried out to ensure the effectiveness of the video in enhancing and enriching the subject-matter or lessons in every subject area. Curriculum-based educational programs should be carefully selected as reference materials in discussing lessons.
If teachers will include ETV in their classroom instructions combined with the other learning exercises and strategies, there is a greater chance for the students to improve their learning comprehension and become better citizens of the society.
By: Catherine E. Nangitngitan | Teacher II | Luz Elem. School Limay Bataan